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Acts Online is the largest free and open source of legislation currently available online.
The EAAB regulates the estate agency profession through ensuring that all persons carrying out the activities of an estate agent as a service to the public are registered with the EAAB.
NAMA is non-profit company aiming to increase the efficiency of all managing agents & service providers within the industry. We communicate changes & developments in the sectional title industry, and educate trustees of bodies corporate of their role & responsibilities. Our vision is to mold the sectional title industry into an independent legal body similar to the Estate Agent Affairs Board.
SAPOA, or the South African Property Owners Association, is the representative body and official voice of the commercial and industrial property industry in South Africa.
Paddocks offers UCT training courses, legal advice, consulting and books for those involved in sectional title schemes, homeowners? associations and other forms of community schemes.
TVDM Consultants